I think it is important to talk about the above topic, because it might just be useful to somebody. In spite of my extreme skills on IT, I found it a bit challenging adding A
counter to my blog. I have done this several times on sites I designed for
individuals companies and myself, but I have never tried putting a flag counter
on a blog before, in fact, this is the first blog I am working on.
Basic Steps to Install Flag Counter Widget to your Blog
First, you need to visit http://flagcounter.com. At the homepage, you will
see a configuration for a flag counter widget (it's up to you to make your
style of flag widget). At the right side, you click the button GET YOUR FLAG
COUNTER. You are ask to register but for now you'll just skip it. Then, you
will see a code for website, just copy the first one and go to your blog design
layout and add a new HTML/JAVASCRIPT widget to your design where we can to put
or paste flag counter widget code that you copied.