Friday, 28 October 2011



#1 Stretching exercises
Height increase is possible with stretching exercises. Results do take time since there are three levels of development which consist of Level 1: Tonal & Muscular development of the back muscles Level 2: Spinal decompression & Straightening Level 3: Progressive spinal disc regeneration & thickening.

Stretching exercises can add up to three inches of height permanently. While there are numerous exercises that target the spine, our researchers have developed the best possible combination of yoga style exercises that tone, strengthen, and develop the muscles that support the spine leading to height increase.

Once these muscles have developed appropriately, the spine will begin to lengthen as well as straighten another inch or two through spinal decompression.

Then, with time and proper implementation of the exercises the spinal discs as well as the cartilage that supports your arms, legs, and spine will begin to thicken leading to a proportionate and taller body.

Pros: Grow taller, up to three inches. Exercise has other benefits such as health, increased metabolism, decreased body fat, enhanced immune system. Effective at any age.

Cons: Exercises take 15-20 minutes of your time but are worth it.

#2 Supplements 
The right supplements are as important as the proper exercises. There are numerous supplement currently available but most of them do not contain the vital ingredients that stimulate growth.

Our Growth Enhancer Plus™ supplements contain the necessary ingredients that will help you grow taller including glucosamine, amino acids, and multivitamins. The ratio of each ingredient is important since the body can only utilize certain ingredients efficiently in the presence of other important ingredients.

Through years of research and development we have come up with the best supplement available to grow taller: Growth Enhancer Plus™.

You can grow taller by an additional 2-3 inches with the right supplements.

Pros: Grow taller, up to an additional three inches. Take anywhere and with your favorite drink. Takes no time at all to take. Ingredients will also increase energy, increase vitality, and improve focus. Effective at any age.

Cons: Expensive but are well worth the height increase.

#3 Human Growth Hormone
One of the most expensive medications is synthetic human growth hormone. Prior to biomedical research and technological advances, doctors would gather cadavers and extract growth hormone from brain tissues.

Today synthetic human growth hormone is produced in medical laboratories. This medication can increase height effectively particularly in kids with low hgh levels.

Human growth hormone can increase an individuals height up to five inches within many months. However, there are numerous side-effects associated with hgh which make it more risky than the other methods to grow taller.

Pros: Grow taller, up to five inches. Results are permanent. Quick application

Cons: Very expensive. Require needle injections. Have bad side-effects. Only effective if your growth plates are still open.

#4 Limb Lengthening
Limb lengthening is a surgical procedure that requires either internal or external rods placed inside the limbs which have to be adjusted periodically. This procedure is currently being performed for cosmetic reasons outside of the United States.

Although limb lengthening is very effective it does require extensive recuperation and time. Approximately 1mm of height per day can be added which translates to an inch per month. Pain medication, hospital stay, and a high cost makes this procedure almost very expensive and out of reach to most individuals.

Also, since this is a surgical procedure, infection is possible which will lead to higher medical bills.

Pros: Grow taller, up to twelve inches. Height is permanent. If you have short legs, you will end up with legs for miles.

Cons: Extremely expensive makes it out of reach to most individuals. Most of the height will be on the legs. Possible risk of infection. Hospital bills, medication, and time.

#5 Human Growth Hormone Stimulators
Human growth hormone stimulators are amino acid combinations that naturally force the pituatary gland into making human growth hormone. This procedure is effective and much safer than expensive synthetic growth hormone. There are no negative side-effects since your body makes hgh naturally.

In particular, effective stimulators come in liquid form. Results take time and positive side-effects also occur. Usually, a decrease in fat deposits and increased metabolism, are the positive side-effects.

The problem with human growth hormone stimulators is that they are only effective on younger individuals below an average 28 years of age.

Pros: Grow taller, up to two inches. Take anywhere anytime. Decreased fat deposits. Increased metabolism.

Cons: Works on younger individuals mostly.

Combining Methods For Maximum Height Increase
If you want to increase your height quickly and permanently you need to combine at least two of the methods described above.

For example, by combining stretching exercises with Growth Enhancer Plus™ you will increase height faster. Also, it will take you less of an effort to grow taller. If it takes three months to grow one inch of height then it will take only two if you combine the exercises with our supplements.

Remember, height increase is possible at any age but some methods are better than others. However, all do require a physical, emotional, and financial effort.

Ask yourself this question: How much is height worth to me? In the long run studies show that every additional inch of height increases your chances for financial success as well as relationships with the opposite sex!

A human's height is determined by a number of factors. Genetics is first and most important. If your parents are short, you are unlikely to ever bump your head walking through a doorway. A tall grandparent might give you some hope. Your genes determine the maximum height you can potentially be. 

Other factors can prevent you from reaching that potential. Growing to be as tall as you can is mostly a matter of avoiding things that will prevent proper development. 

This means that you need to eat a proper balanced diet that includes calcium-rich foods as well as protein to provide material for both bones and muscles. There really is no one miracle food that you need to be tall, it's a matter of balanced nutrition. Reasonable amounts of exercise should also help, but care needs to be taken to avoid high-impact activities that can injure bones and joints in the critical growth period. Swimming and running are good. Extreme weightlifting less so. 

Growth is controlled by hormones. Hormones are chemicals produced by various glands in the body. Their production can be affected by other chemicals, and so it would only make sense that the less foreign chemicals make it into your system the better your chances to be taller would be. As trite as that sounds, don't smoke, kids. Avoiding drugs and industrial chemicals is also a good idea. 

The above largely applies to teenagers. Humans generally stop growing by their early 20's. Any significant height changes after that are highly unlikely. 

A lot of people are very insecure about their height. There are many companies out there trying to take advantage of that by selling "miracle pills", exercise systems, and silly gadgets. Shoe lifts were all the rage about 40 years ago. Gadgets are junk. Pills can be dangerous. Exercise systems can cause injury. At best, these things will do nothing. At worst, you risk unbalancing your endocrine system, and that can get really nasty. Human hormonal balance is a delicate thing, easy to upset and tough to fix. Hormone imbalances can cause men to grow breasts and women to grow mustaches. Use of growth hormones has been linked to cancer. Personally, I would take short and alive over tall and dead from cancer any day. 

If you are a teenager and have a concern about your growth, see an endocrinologist. They can run tests and see if your glands are working properly. If there is a problem, it is best to catch it early to have the best chance of fixing it. The tests involve checking hormone levels. The answers can only come from a lab and not from a website. 

If you are an adult, you are probably stuck being the height you are. There is an extremely difficult and painful surgical method of adding length to your limbs that involves breaking bones and gradually stretching them with special devices so that new bone grows to close the gap. It's called the Ilizarov technique, and it's about the only thing proven to work. As any surgery, it is risky, and no reputable doctor will do it unless you have a genuine case of dwarfism. 

Your best bet is to change your outlook. Short people have it great - they can drive smaller cars and pay less for gas. They use less fabric for clothes. Besides, height is not what makes a person. Napoleon, being slightly less tall than the average Frenchman of his time, managed to conquer most of Europe.

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